Youtube is an online platform allowing registered users to upload and share video clips on the well-known and cost-free video-sharing platform Youtube. People use this platform for various purposes, including entertainment and education. In summary, using YouTube to market your brand, products, and goals is a smart move for any business, organization, or company.

The total number of hours users spend watching YouTube’s public videos is known as the “public watch hours”.You must have logged over 4000 valid Public Watch hours in the last 365 days to be eligible for YouTube monetization. The total amount of hours your videos have been viewed on YouTube is known as the “Hours Watch Time.” 

The YouTube Partner Program includes this measure of 4000 hours of watch time as one of its requirements. Therefore it is significant. Thanks to the YouTube Partner Program, YouTubers can monetize their channels by advertising their videos. You must have watched your channel for at least 4000 hours for the last 12 months to be eligible for the program.

It is very challenging to reach a wider audience as a YouTuber. It might be difficult to keep up with the continual changes to the YouTube algorithm. The quantity of watch time a YouTube channel obtains is one of the most crucial indicators. For any channel, exceeding 4,000 hours of watch time is a huge accomplishment.

 Various hacks that you can follow to get 4000 watch time hours are as follows:

  • Use a website such as Viral Promotions

UseViral is a platform that offers natural views, subscribers, and engagement to assist YouTubers in expanding their channels. They have a system to link YouTubers and actual viewers of their videos.UseViral has been around for some time and has assisted numerous YouTubers in their endeavors. There are many things that Viral Promotions provides that can assist you in getting more viewing time. For instance, they provide a service that can raise the number of views on your YouTube videos. Additionally, they provide a YouTube promotion service that helps increase channel interaction and subscriber numbers.

  • The second website that you can use is Seeksocially.

Your watch time can be increased by using the website SeekSocially, which offers natural views, subscribers, and connections. They have a group of professionals working on expanding the audience for your YouTube channel. You can accomplish your objectives with the support of the various services SeekSocially provides. Utilizing SeekSocially has numerous advantages, including the availability of a free trial. This lets you try their services before signing up for a premium plan. Additionally, SeekSocially promises a refund policy, allowing you to test their services risk-free.

  • The Optimal Length 

There needs to be more aware that longer videos will receive more views. Longer videos can harm your channel over time. Put an end to dragging your videos just for show. Keep it engaging and effective. However, always pay attention to your audience. Determine the length of videos based on how much they enjoy it, which is typically less.

  • Maintain Interest to Lengthen Watches

 Make a beginning to draw in viewers, a middle of developing the plot, and an end to tie everything up and provide an adventure. That is the ideal YouTube video viewing experience. To start with, think carefully about the kinds of videos you want to broadcast on your channel. Don’t just leave your thoughts scattered. To immediately engage your audience, start with a sympathetic introduction. Add a few plot twists here and there to keep the audience interested. To extend your overall viewing time, keep them wanting more.

  • Review the Ratings

The hidden gem for your viewing time is the comment area below your content and videos. Read the comments, understand the questions, and try to respond. A watch’s excitement is unavoidable as your viewers start to get their questions answered.

  • Light and Sound

These are two crucial elements that are crucial for producing high-quality videos. A lot of information enters our brains through sound. The way the lighting is put up can make a difference in videos. Work on mastering these areas if you want your initial impression to matter.

  • Edit your videos properly. 

Editing plays the most important part in terms of views on your content. You should always edit your video in such a manner that excites your subscribers.

  • Interesting thumbnails and titles

Using unique thumbnails and titles is a good way to obtain 4000 YouTube views in a short amount of time. Thumbnails can provide a good first impression, and the click-through rate is crucial. Even if your content is excellent, viewers might only watch if it has an optimized thumbnail.

A great thumbnail conveys value even before the audience watches your content. When users explore their YouTube feed, it is the first item they see. Thankfully, there are many different kinds of tools that enable you to create bespoke thumbnails as opposed to the freeze-frames that YouTube, by default, delivers.

  • Promote your channel in various other social media platform 

It will help you in gathering more audiences and as a result of which views on your videos will be increased.


For any YouTube channel, crossing the 4,000-hour mark is a huge accomplishment. You can monetize your channel and expand your audience with its aid. While achieving this aim can be challenging, employing third-party services and paying attention to the advice in this article can speed up your progress.

Increasing your viewing duration is a solid strategy for increasing your YouTube engagement. Your videos will thus be more likely to come up in suggestions and search results. There are many ways to obtain 4000 YouTube viewing hours, but this list is not all. Many of the hacks presented here will be successful for some users while failing for others. Applying a handful at a time and checking your outcomes with the YouTube analytics tool is your best bet. This helps you determine what does and does not work for you. Remember that obtaining 4000 watch hours is a difficult endeavor that requires extra effort on the producers’ side.